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CTRM Setup Data


This page contains a listing and description of each of the data elements required for a typical CTRM implementation.


We have termed this ‘setup data’ and note that you’ll sometimes see these items labeled ‘Static Data’ or ‘Reference Data’.


What is Not Covered on this Page


What this does not include is what we will call ‘Transactional Data’, which in this case means:

a) Trade Data

b) Market Data.  i.e. prices/interest rates/FX rates/volatilities/corrections

c) Scheduling Data.  e.g., nominations for Natural gas.


List of Setup Data Required for Trade Entry


This is Data Commonly Required for a Financially Settling Commodity Swap.  This could be fixed-float or float-float.

See: Commodity Swap


This is in no particular order.


1) Internal Trading Desk


CTRM Systems will sometimes call this ‘Internal Business Unit’ or ‘Company’ (internal is implied) ‘Internal Party’ or various other names.


Some systems may further split this into two parts, ‘Internal Business Unit’ and ‘Internal Legal Entity’.


This is the trading desk from the firm’s point of view doing the trade.  E.g., you might have a Natural Gas desk, an Oil Desk, a Natural Gas options-trading desk, etc.


This would be selected on the trade or defaulted.  i.e., every trade would have on it the internal trading desk doing the trade.


And what we are talking about here in terms of Setup Data is setting up the list of these Internal Trading Desks somewhere in the CTRM system as reference data.  i.e., so that the relevant items will be available on the Pick-List for trade entry.


2) Counterparty


CTRM Systems will sometimes call this ‘External Business Unit’ various other names.


This is the counterparty of the trade.  For an OTC (over the counter) trade, this would be the counterparty like ‘XYZ Corp.’. 


We are assuming here that we are talking about Financial-settling (i.e., cash settling) commodity swaps.  These can be OTC or done on an Exchange like ICE.  If they are done on an exchange, they may have the Exchange as the counterparty.   


For the purposes of this categorization of Setup Data, we’ll assume that by Counterparty we mean any and all counterparties of a Trade, which can include exchanges.



WORK IN PROGRESS:  Check back in a few days for more





Table of Items and their applicability by Trade Type




Commodity Swap

Commodity Futures


Internal Trading Desk













Introduction to CTRM

Click on this link for a great introduction to CTRM software: Introduction to CTRM Software




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